View Full Version : Punjab University LAW OF CONTRACT Paper contents and recommended books

11-26-2010, 10:54 PM
Punjab University Lahore LLB degree Course of LAW OF CONTRACT.
Information and paper pattren can be found below.
Students have to follow these books.
It's for the LLB Part 1 only
(100 MARKS)
1) Contract Act, 1872 (60 Marks)
2) The Sales of Goods Act, 1930 (20 Marks)
3) The Partnership Act, 1932 (20 Marks)
Course Contents
1. Preliminary - General Principles of Contract
2. Formation of the Contract
3. Contracts, Voidable Contracts and Void Agreements
4. Communication, Acceptance and Revocation of Proposal
5. Free Consent
6. Consideration
7. Contingent Contracts
8. Performance of Contracts
9. Certain Relations Resembling those Created by Contracts
10. The Breach of Contract and the Consequences
11. Indemnity and Guarantee
12. Bailments
13. Agency
Sales of Goods
1. General Principles
2. Formation of the Contract of Sale
3. Subject Matter of the Contract
4. Conditions and Warranties
5. Sale by Sample and Description
6. Auction Sale
7. Transfer of Property
8. Delivery and Payment of Price
9. Title
10. Performance of the Contract
11. Rights of Unpaid Seller
12. Breach of the Contract
The Partnership Act, 1932
Course Contents
1. General Principles of Partnership
2. Nature and Scope
3. Difference between Partnerships and other Associations
4. Rights and Duties of Partners.
5. Relations of Partners to Third Parties
6. Incoming and Outgoing Partners
7. Dissolution of Firms
8. Registration of Firm and its Effects.
Recommended Books:
Contract Act:
1. Chitti on Contract
2. Law of Contract by Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston
3. Principles of the English Law of Contract by Sir William R. Anson.
4. Introduction to the Law of Contract by Atiyah P.S.
5. Law of Contract by Treitel, G.H.
6. Casebook on the Law of Contract by Smith and Thomas:
7. Contract Act by Shaukat Mahmood, Sh.
8. Contract Act by Agarwala
Sales of Goods Act:
1. Sale of Goods by Chalmers
2. Sale of Goods Act by Manan, M.A.
3. Sale of Goods Act by Farrani M.
Partnership Act:
1. Partnership Law by Deardas Russell:
2. Partnership Act by Shaukat Mahmood Sh.