View Full Version : CS506 WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT all solved quiz fall 2010

12-05-2010, 06:38 PM
Download the CS506 WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT all solved quiz from vuhelp website. It can be found in the attachment in the form of PDF format not in the format of .Doc format. So download and get full marks. Please share your midterm papers with students. It will help other students.
Which of the following feature provide facility for multiple
1. Adapter Classes
2. Wrapper Classes
3. Interface
4. Collection
Question # 2 of 10
The relationship between class and interface is called ________
1. ‘Is a’ relationship
2. ‘Has a’ relationship
3. ‘Responds to’ relationship
4. None of the given options
Question # 3 of 10
Which of the following function will be used to register event
handler with
events generator (button)?
1. addAction()
2. addListener()
3. addActionListener()
4. Register eventhandeler()
Question # 4 of 10
The collection API are defined in ______ package?
1. Java.io
2. Java.util
3. Java.sql
4. Java.awt
Question # 5 of 10
Which of the following is true about abstract class?
1. An abstract class must have all methods declared as abstract
2. A class must have at least one abstract method to be an abstract
3. A class without any abstract method can be declared as
abstract class.
4. An instance of abstract class can be created.
VU Askari (http://www.vuaskari.com)
Question # 6 of 10
Exceptions must be handled while handling files otherwise it
may lead to____?
1. Logical error
2. Syntax error
3. No error
4. Run time error
Question # 7 of 10
Which of the following stream is a filter stream?
1. BufferedReader
2. FileWriter
3. FileReader
4. All of given options
Question # 8 of 10
CREATE, ALTER, DROP are _________ SQL statements.
1. DML
2. DDL
3. DCL
4. None of above
Question # 9 of 10
Which of the following statement object is used to execute
stored procedures?
1. Statement
2. PreparedStatement
3. CallableStatement
4. None of given options
Question # 10 of 10
Based on functionality, the streams can be categorized as
1. Byte oriented streams and Node Streams
2. Filter stream and Character oriented stream
3. Node stream and Filter stream
4. Byte oriented stream and Character oriented stream