View Full Version : Communication Skills- MCM301 assignment no 2 solution

01-06-2011, 04:49 PM
Read the following article thoroughly and summarize it to one third of the present
content while not missing any important point of the article.
Actions speak louder than words. This phrase can best support and explain the
importance and usage of nonverbal communication in our lives. Though Verbal
communication is said to be indispensable for the human survival but if noticed, non
verbal communication has much greater role to play in the transfer of intended
meaning of the message. If you are happy your face smile will say it all, if you are in
anger, frowns appearing on your forehead will express your emotions. There are many
expressions which even can not be expressed in words and one has to take assistance
from non verbal elements. Nonverbal communication can be simply called as the
communication without words or it is a form of interpersonal communication which is
done with non linguistic means. It includes our gestures, postures, facial expressions,
voice tone, proximity, dresses and appearances etc. It has been found that about 60%
to 80% of human communication comprises on non verbal communication. Just have a
look at your daily routine and you will get to know how much you are incorporating
non verbal symbols with your verbal communication in order to convey your message.
For example, some guests have arrived at your home and you are not happy with their
arrival. Even then you greet them and welcome them but your facial expressions and
body language would convey the unease you are going through by the arrival of the
guests. Similarly maintaining an eye contact while speaking conveys that the person is
interested in listening to the other person and it also shows his confidence as well.
When a candidate appears for a job interview, his non verbal cues are closely
monitored by the interviewee in order to judge his confidence level, the way he has
been dressed up also count a lot in interpreting his personality and grooming.
Non verbal communication is dynamic and spontaneous and one of the most important
factors that shape the non verbal elements of a group of people is the Culture. A
group of people living in one region establishes a set of norms and values to live their
lives. That set of norms can be called their culture. As non verbal communication is all
about actions and these actions are defined under the cultural norms of a society hence
these can vary from one society to other. A successful interpretation of the non verbal
element of the sender demands that the both sender and receiver should have same
understanding of the symbols. It means that in order to perceive the non verbal cue in
the right way two persons must have shared common set of beliefs or we can say that
they should belong to same culture only then they can not only interpret but can also
predict the non verbal cue.

Predictability is tremendously imperative for interpreters. It refers to the interpreters’
unconscious or conscious knowledge of the culturally determined non-verbal
elements; through which they are able to predict what exactly is going to be said.
If we compare the greeting styles adopted in west and here in our country, a great
difference will be found there too. In American culture a man can great a woman by
shaking hands and even kiss on the check is considered a more formal and decent way
to great a woman. But here in our society, keeping a certain distance from the female
while greeting her is compulsory otherwise the person will be considered as ill
mannered. There are hundreds of non verbal cues that are specific to a certain culture.
Some are given below.
• In Saudi Arabia, Holding hands or taking someone’s elbow is a sign of respect
and friendship.
• In Egypt, It is rude to show the sole of your shoe.
• In China, Surprise is expressed with a quick and loud inhalation of air.
• In Thailand, It is rude to put your arm behind someone’s chair or to pat his or
her back.
• In France, The ok sign means, zero
On the whole, we can say that it is not only the language differences that can hamper
in the smooth and effective communication process but non verbal part of the
communication can equally create problems in misunderstanding the intended
message. Therefore, if a person wishes to have an acceptance in another society,
he/she is needed to collect the knowledge of the important non verbal cues along with
working on the language proficiency of that region.
Communication Skills- MCM301 Assignment 02
Q No. 2
Correctness is one of the important elements of effective written communication.
Now your task is to rectify the errors you can find in the following business letter.
(5 Marks)
January Four, 2011
A & K Sons. Pvt. Limited.
23 Ferozepur Road
Near Metro Cash & Carry
Deer Sir/Madam,
It is a regretful to invite you to the grand opening of our new office. Refreshments had
been served at 7O’ Clock, following a short speech from our new president, Mr. tahir
bukhari. The event will be held at Pearl Continental Hotel Lahore.
Your attendance is highly appreciated.
Thank you.
Best regards,

01-11-2011, 03:01 PM
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