View Full Version : What do you understand by lambardari system?

09-09-2012, 01:08 AM
Q. What do you understand by lambardari system? under what circumstances a lambardar can be dismissed. (2002)
Q. Under what grounds lambardar can be dismissed. (2000)
Q. Under what circumstances a lambardar of a village can dismissed? please quote the relevant rule. (2001)
1. Introduction:
The headman of a village is called Lambardar. he is appointed by the executive district officer in a village. Lambardar has to collect and supervise the collection of revenue of an estate. he is the representative of the people of an estate and a link between the government and public. sufficient number of Lambardars are appointed by the government to every estate for the collection of the land revenue and other administrative functions.
2. Definition:
According to Sec. 18 land revenue act.
"A village officer means any person appointed under this act whose duty is to collect, or to supervise the collection of the revenue of an estate and includes Kaungos, Patwaris, Zabits, Kotars or Tapedar's peons, Arbabs, Rais and Headman".
3. Circumstances when lambardar is dismissed:
Following are two circumstances when lambardar is dismissed.
(i) When lambardar must be dismissed.
(ii) When lambardar may be dismissed.
I. When lambardar must be dismissed:
A lambardar must be dismissed on the following grounds.
(i) Conviction:
If lambardar has been sentenced to imprisonment for a term not less than six months in an offence involving moral turpitude.
(ii) Ceases to be land owner:
In any other estate he ceases to be a land owner in the estate in which he holds office.
(iii) Mortgage of holding:
If he has mortgaged his holding and has delivered his possession to the mortgagee but under special circumstances collector with the permission of executive district officer retain him in his office under such circumstances. if he can furnish sufficient security for the payment of revenue.
(iv) Transfer of holding:
If holding has been transferred under section 71 of the land revenue act or the assessment thereof has been annulled under section 73 of the land revenue act.
II. When lambardar may be dismissed:
(i) Initiation of criminal proceeding:
If some criminal proceedings have been started against him and it appears from the said proceeding that he is unfit to be entrusted any longer with the duties of his office.
(ii) Indebtedness:
If he falls under debt or his holding is too small in estate that it makes really improper to retain him as lambardar.
(iii) Age:
If owing to age he is the position to perform his duties.
(iv) Mental illness:
If owing to mental illness he cannot discharged his function he may be dismissed.
(v) Physical incapacity:
If owing to physical incapacity he may be dismisses by the concerned authorities.
(vi) Absence
If lambardar disappear or remain absent for a long period form the estate he may be dismissed form his office.
(vii) Negligence:
If lambarder neglects his duties he may be dismissed.
(viii) Smuggling:
If there is reason to believe that he has taken part in or concealed illicit distillation or the sumuggling of cocaine opiums or charas.
(ix) Taking part in unconstitutional agitation:
If lambarder takes part in any unconstitutional agitation against the govt. he may be dismissed.
(x) Failure to help the govt:
If lambarder fails to give his active support to the government in the maintenance of law and order.
(xi) Attachment of holding:
If the holding of the lambarder in the estate where he in appointed attach his holding for:
(i) Recovery of land revenue.
(ii) By the order of the court may be dismissed.
4. Conclusion:
To conclude i can say that if lambarder becomes incapable to perform his duties on any ground maintained in the land revenue act may be dismissid by the concerned authority. an opportunity to defend must be given by the concerned authorities before his dismissal.