View Full Version : CS501 Advance Computer Architecture assignment solution spring 2011

04-19-2011, 04:10 AM
fill solution in attachment


Four types of instructions are supported by the SRC
Type A
Type A is used for only two instructions:

Number of instructions
Addressing mode

Two instructions

• No operation or nop
• Stop operation stop

Both of these instructions do not need an operand (are 0-operand instructions).

Type B
Number of instructions
Addressing mode
Type B format includes three instructions; all three use relative addressing mode
• ldr instruction, used to load register from memory using a relative address
• The lar instruction, for loading a register with relative address
• The str is used to store register to memory using relative address

The effective address is computed at run-time by adding a constant to the PC. This makes the instructions ‘re-locatable’.
Type C

04-19-2011, 04:49 AM
yah bhi ah gai hai new assignment..