View Full Version : Deployment Flow / Process from netBean IDE to tomcat servlet container

04-24-2011, 10:33 PM
Could you please answer the following? I have installed tomcat on D: drive and tested it successfully with new servlet along with welcome.jsp. And I have also installed netBean IDE on C: drive and created my "TestProject1" in the new folder called "MyNewWebProject1" Question is: When we press run button from netBean IDE, what is happening in the back-end? Is netBean IDE generates the XML or JAR/WAR file and deploy on the tomcat servlet container? If yes then how this happens? Which XML file is doing this job? Thanks and kind regards, Waheed Ilyas KSA

04-24-2011, 10:34 PM
NetBeans does the in place deployment, that is generated classes files and XML files are not copied to the tomcat’s web directory instead they used from the project folder.

e.g my project is in Y:\Java\mvc1

All the generated files will be in
