View Full Version : what is difference b/w characteristic, behavior and interface?

04-29-2011, 07:26 AM
what is difference b/w characteristic, behavior and interface?

04-29-2011, 07:26 AM
All these concepts are very related to each other. Characteristics is a general word that most often represents the state/data related to any specific object, like Age, size, color etc. but sometimes it also indicates the features related to any specific object depends upon the scenario,,,,,, e.g eat(), play() etc

As for as concerns the behavior of an object, its definitely the functions owned by that particular object. For example, your courseselection() process is a behavior related to you (object).

Now, Messages stimulates interfaces. For example a car has hidden information how to change the Gear internally from end users, but driver/ user of the car access that hidden information/service through well defined interface i.e. “by moving back and forth, around the liver”.