QUESTION : “Theories like the Path-Goal Theory and Situational Leadership Theory lack empirical research support. Therefore, they shouldn’t be used in business practice.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Explain your rationale. ”

Answer : I disagree with this statement, as both the Situational Leadership and Path-Goal Theory of Leadership are supporting their employee/followers to achieve the predefined goal by carving a clear and easy path, which is in fact a business practice.

In this process the leader will:
• Clarify the path properly.
• Remove obstacles to attain goals.
• Increase the rewards in due course to achieve the goal.
Both theories are supporting contingency planning and empirical research which is a basic of a good business practice. Eempirical research that derives its data by means of direct observation or experiment and used to answer a question or test a hypothesis and the contingency approach which paved the way to manage and that to be effective in terms of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling and tailored to the particular circumstances.

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