Cover sheet

If you do not have a Swedish civic registration number, you must print a cover sheet which is to be included with any supporting documents you submit in order to complete your admission application. The cover sheet contains your personal data including a temporary ID-number and is essential for matching your documents with your application.
You can find your cover sheet by logging on to "Your pages" then clicking on "Your application" in the menu to the left. Under status, click on the link to "View/Edit application", then click on "Open cover sheet."
If you have a Swedish civic registration number you do not need a cover sheet.

Sign the cover sheet

You must sign the cover sheet before submitting your application. Applications without a signed cover sheet will be discarded.Please make sure to sign your cover sheet before sending your application package. Master's applications missing the signature of the applicant will invariably be rejected.
Do not send your cover sheet to the university/universities you have previously attended and have requested transcripts from. If they send your transcripts to University Studies in Sweden along with your cover sheet, your documents will be rejected.

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