MCQ=20 Mostly form past papers
Short Question 2 (2),2(3),2(5)
Total number =40
Qno 21:- To mange the complexity of the system we need to apply the
principle of abstraction.Discuse berifly?
Qno22:-Differentiate between architectural design and system
architecher in a single line?(2)
Qno23:- What are archetectural design Process , explain brefily? (3)
Qno24:-what are some of the coniderations for maintainable desing.
Qno25:- What should be the consideration for maintainable design .
Qno26:- Discusse the relationship between sequense diagram and
logical complexity ? (5)

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[COLOR="rgb(255, 0, 255)"]PAPER#2[/COLOR]

sequence diagram collaboration diagram
messages types
parameter of software design
purpose of interaction diagram
coupling main sy aik quiz aya tha