2 Marks question
difference between structural and shallow knowledge
issue in forward chaining

3 marks question
how to write "Hello world" in CLIPS software
In adversarial search evolution function is used to score/number the
nodes? yes or no and give reason to justify your answer

5 Marks Question
Resolution of Refutation write all steps
A person drive a truck is "Declarative Knowledge" yes or No give
reason to justify your answer

23 totl q
16 mcqs

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name some shall in Artificial intelligence(2)
diffrence in backward and forward chaining(3)
steps of backward chaining(5)
a person want to some knowledge about driving a bike what type of
knowledge will be suit able for him and y?(5)
horse riding is same as donky riding wt u think which type of
reasoning is used in this statemnt and y?(3)
diffrentiate between preception and knowldge representation?(2)

1. Define forward chaining?
2. Difference between heuristic and structural knowledge?
3. Write Conflict resolution strategies.
4. Bike is heavy prove this is Uncertain fact on not. And give reason.
5. Difference between British museum and bound serach.
6. Define Structural knowledge.
7. How the working memory is related to expert system.