Subjective Paper
CS506 Web Designing and Development
Session 3:
Date: 4/12/2010

I copied following questions from my personal paper.

How do we create DataBaseMetaData object? (2)
Write the syntax of update SQL Query. (2)
What is the difference between the paint() and repaint() methods? (3)
What interfaces needs to implement while handling ActionEvent, KeaEvent and
WindowEvent? (3)
5- How can you retrieve data from the ResultSet? (5)
6- What is difference between an Applet and an application? (5)


I only remember 3 objective questions.

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1- If we remove static from main then program __________
• Program cannot compile
• Program will compile and work properly
• Run time errors
• Exception throws in main

2-If we remove String array from main then program____________
• Program cannot compile
• Program will compile and work properly
• Run time errors
• Exception throws in main

3-Java developed in __________
• 1990
• 1995
• 1997
• 2000