No notice of any kind will be pasted or handbills distributed in the campus premises without the express permission of The Chairman.View more random threads:
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Taking part in activities which, in the openion of the Chairman, are subversive of discipline is punishable is explusion.
The Chairman may expel a student at any time, if he is not satisfied with his/her conduct or character.
Students are required to comply with the proctorial rules of the Department and the University Authorities.
Each student will receive his/her Identity Card, which must be worn-out in the campus premises (throughout the day), especially when entering into the campus.
All types of Political/Union Activities are strictly prohibited in the campus.
Students shall be bound by all such rules and orders as may be issued by The Chairman, concerning administration and discipline of the department, whether these rules and orders supplement the rules printed in the prospectus or modify or supersede any of these rules.
Candidate admitted in the self-supporting evening program will not be entitled to membership of the Punjab University Student's Union.
All applications for character and other certificates should be submitted through the office. This will prevent unnecessary delay in the issuance of the certificates. Certificates will ordinarily be available the next day.
Smoking in the building (Classrooms, Library Rooms & Corridors etc.) is strictly prohibited.
Student must neither talk near the lecture rooms, nor loiter in the corridors during class hours.
Bicycles, Motorcycles, Motorcars in no case, be parked anywhere except the parking area. These should be kept locked and placed at the area provided for the purpose.
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