Due Date
Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 08th Nov 2010.
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§ It is submitted after due date
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This assignment has been designed to enable you to understand:
§ Conversion of decimal to binary, 2’s compliment form, decimal to Hexa
§ Range of decimal number that can be represented using particular number of bits

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Question_1: [marks: 6]
Convert following decimal values to binary:
  • 3.25
  • 20.20

Question_2: [marks: 6]
Express each decimal number as an 8-bit number in the 2's complement form:
  • +18
  • -117

Question_3: [marks: 4]
Represent the following binary numbers in Hexadecimal:
  • 1111110000
  • 1001001001000

Question_4: [marks: 4]
What is the highest decimal number that can be represented by each of the following numbers of binary digits (bits) ?
  • two
  • eight
  • sixteen
  • thirty-two