IT430 VU Midterm Current Papers Spring 2012 of Virtual University of Pakistan
Q No. 21
What do’pasdrloat(Sting) and NAN mean?


Q No.22
Briefly describe the purpose of cruptoGraphy?


Q No.23
How can you Differnitate between Customer Relation Management and Supply Chain management Software?

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QNo. 24
Write HTML code for the form displayin a drop list contatining the following entries. HONDA,SUZUKI, SANTRO, CROLLA


Write an XML code to create a book store of three categories, Cooking, Childeren, vu solutions dot com Science by using the following attributes.
(a) Title
(b) Author
(c) Price


Q no 26. How can you differniate among different malicious programs like back doors and torjon horses virsues and worm?