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Important Instructions: Fall 2010 Mid Term Examinations1. For every paper, you must carry your VU Id Card and “Exam Entrance Slip” for entering the Examination Hall.
2. You shall be responsible for any loss of examination time for not having these documents.
3. You shall report at the Exam Center 15 minutes before the starting time of your paper.
4. You shall not be allowed to carry a mobile phone (even in offline mode) in the Examination Hall.
5. You must not carry any type of helping material (Hard/Soft) in the Examination Hall.
6. You must avoid disturbing the peace in and around the Examination Hall.
7. Strict disciplinary action such as cancellation of the paper(s) and registration of umc etc shall be taken against the violators
NOTE:Students entry in the examination hall will be banned 15 minutes after the start of paper.
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