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Thread: Cs304 mid fall 2010

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    Cs304 mid fall 2010

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    CS304 MID FALL 2010

    We can get only one unique value which can be used by all the objects of that class by
    the use of,

    static variables
    dynamic variables
    instance variables
    data members

    A member function having the same name as that of a class and a ~ sign with it is called,




    Using encapsulation we can achieve

    Information hiding

    Least interdependencies among modules

    Implementation independence

    All of given options

    Inheritance is a way to

    make general classes into more specific classes.
    pass arguments to objects of classes.
    improve data hiding and encapsulation.
    providing class growth through natural selection.

    Static variable can be initialized more than once.



    For classes with common behavior, you can save effort by placing the common behavior
    in a __________.

    Derived Class
    Base class
    Deprived Class
    Named class

    Which of the following are an advantage of OOP?

    OOP makes it easy to re-use the code
    It provides an ability to create one user defined data type by extending the other
    It provides the facility of defining Abstract data types through which real world entities
    can be defined better
    All of the given options

    The >= operator can be overloaded.


    A static member function cannot be declared.

    Static variables act like a global variable in the context or scope of the class.


    The compiler won’t object if you overload the * operator to perform division.


    We can use "this" pointer in the constructor in the body and even in the initialization list
    of any class if we are careful,


    A C++ class is similar to --------------------

    Header File
    Library File
    None of the given

    Which operator can not be overloaded?

    The relation operator ( >= )
    Assignment operator ( = )
    Script operator ( [] )
    Conditional operator (? : )

    An overloaded operator always requires one less argument than its number of


    A generalization-specialization relation between classes are implemented using

    data hiding
    friend classes

    In OOP a class is an example of _____
    Data Type
    Abstract Type
    User Defined Type
    None of the given

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    Identify which of the following overloaded operator function’s declaration is
    appropriate for the given call?

    Rational_number_1 + 2.325

    Where Rational_number_1 is an object of user defined class Rational_number.

    Rational_number operator+( Rational_number & obj);

    Rational_number operator+(double& obj);

    Rational_number operator+(Rational_number &obj, double& num);

    operator+(double& obj);

    A class can be identified from a statement by -------------

    The members of a class that can be accessed without creating the object of the class is

    Private member
    Data Member
    Public Member

    What is difference between simple association and composition?

    Friend functions minimize "Encapsulation", What is your opinion?

    Write three important properties of constructors?
    1. Tell the reason why we can not overload the following four operators in c++
    . , .* ,
    2. Considering the complex number class can we subtract two complex numbers by
    overloading plus “+ “Operator. Justify your answer as well.

    How we resolve the following problems in overloading of assignment operator in string
    class, (explain with the help of c++ code)

    a. Self referencing
    b. Assigning a string value to more than one strings in a single line like,
    stringobject1 = string object2 = stringobject3 = stringobject4

    Consider the class given below explain the order in which variables x,y and z will be
    initialized after creating object of this class,

    class XYZ{
    int e;
    int f;
    int g;
    XYZ ();

    XYZ:: XYZ ():g(30),e(10),f(20)


  2. #2

  3. #3
    bhaye pls upload cs304 mid term ppaers

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