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Here is my subjective questions of HRM 611 - Human relation.
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Q 1 - How might having a culturally diverse work force help a company to earn more profit ? [3 - marks]
Q 2 - Have you ever tried to communicate a message to a person who is emotionally aroused ?
If yes , what you observer ? [3 - marks]
Q 3 - Suppose Ahmad faced adversity of not having enough money for education expenses. Being a student of human relation , suggest him creative solution of his problem. [5 - marks]
Q 4 -
i - Cross - culture training Program [2.5 - marks]
ii - Foreign language training. [2.5 - marks]
Q 5 - Ferhat is very much worried now a days of some personal problem. Being a student of Human relation , give her any five tips. [5 - marks]
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