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Thread: CS401- Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming Assignment # 4

  1. #1
    Administrator Xpert's Avatar
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    May 2010

    Icon14 CS401- Computer Architecture and Assembly Language Programming Assignment # 4

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    Due Date
    Your assignment must be uploaded before or on 18 January 2011.
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    This assignment has been designed to enable you:
    To understand how Multitasking Work


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    Modify multitasking and dynamic thread registration example (11.2) such that
    • It displays a rotating bar on bottom left corner of the screen (you can take help from Example 11.1).
    • Also, if we press “S (both small and caps)”, it will generate new process which will display rotating bars on screen in next row from the previous one.
    • And if “A (both small and caps)” is pressed from keyboard it will restore every thing to normal as it was before the multitasking kernel was there.
    • You can generate maximum up to 10 processes. After 10 processes no new process will be created if “S (both small and caps)” will be pressed from keyboard.

    Note: comments and indentations with each line in your code should be properly used it has 2 marks.

  2. #2
    Please provide solution asap kindly!!

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2010
    expert bhai please cs304 ki 4th assignment ka solution bhi post kar dein aaj is ka extended day hai.......

  5. #5
    kindly provide the solution please!!

  6. #6
    Administrator Xpert's Avatar
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    May 2010
    sab log dua karo mera ups kal ah jay then sab ka kam time par ho ga.

  7. #7

  8. #8
    Administrator Xpert's Avatar
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    May 2010
    App bhi tu kuch share karen na yahan par.

  9. #9

  10. #10
    [org 0x0100]
    jmp start
    ; Original Registers:
    ;ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, bp, sp, ip, cs, ds, ss, es, flags
    ; 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26
    ; PCB layout: http://www.vustudents.net
    ;ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, bp, sp, ip, cs, ds, ss, es, flags, next, dummy
    ; 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26 , 28 , 30
    originalstate: times 14 dw 0
    oldtimer: dd 0
    pcb: times 20*16 dw 0 ; space for 20 PCBs
    stack: times 20*256 dw 0 ; space for 20 512 byte stacks
    nextpcb: dw 1 ; index of next free pcb
    current: dw 0 ; index of current pcb
    column_no: dw 0 ; column for next thread
    chars: db ‘/-\|’ ; shapes to form a bar
    push bp ;save registers value
    mov bp, sp
    push ds
    push es
    push di
    push ax
    push bx
    mov ax, 0xb800
    mov es, ax ; point es to video base
    push cs
    pop ds ; point ds to current segment
    mov di, [bp+4] ; load ax with column number
    shl di, 1 ; turn into byte count
    and bx, 0 ; initialize bx
    mov ah, 0×07 ; normal attribute
    mov al, [chars+bx] ; read current shape
    mov [es:di], ax ; print at specified place
    inc bx ; update for next shape
    and bx, 3 ; take modulus with 4
    jmp rotation ; repeat infinitely
    pop di ; restore register values
    pop bx
    pop ax
    pop es
    pop ds
    pop bp
    push bp ; save registers
    mov bp, sp
    push ax
    push bx
    push cx
    push si
    mov bx, [nextpcb] ; read next available pcb index
    cmp bx, 20 ; are all PCBs used
    je exit ; yes, exit
    mov cl, 5
    shl bx, cl ; multiply by 32 for pcb start
    mov ax, [bp+8] ; read segment parameter
    mov [pcb+bx+18], ax ; save in pcb space for cs
    mov ax, [bp+6] ; read offset parameter
    mov [pcb+bx+16], ax ; save in pcb space for ip
    mov [pcb+bx+22], ds ; set stack to our segment
    mov si, [nextpcb] ; read this pcb index
    mov cl, 9
    shl si, cl ; multiply by 512
    add si, 256*2+stack ; end of stack for this thread
    mov ax, [bp+4] ; read parameter for subroutine
    sub si, 2 ; decrement thread stack pointer
    mov [si], ax ; pushing param on thread stack
    sub si, 2 ; space for return address
    mov [pcb+bx+14], si ; save si in pcb space for sp
    mov word [pcb+bx+26], 0×0200 ; initialize thread flags
    mov ax, [pcb+28] ; read next of 0th thread in ax
    mov [pcb+bx+28], ax ; set as next of new thread
    mov ax, [nextpcb] ; read new thread index
    mov [pcb+28], ax ; set as next of 0th thread
    inc word [nextpcb] ; this pcb is now used
    pop si ; restore all registers
    pop cx
    pop bx
    pop ax
    pop bp
    ret 6 ;discard 3 parameters from stack
    push ds
    push bx
    push cs
    pop ds ; initialize ds to data segment
    mov bx, [current] ; read index of current in bx
    shl bx, 5 ; multiply by 32 for pcb start
    mov [pcb+bx+0], ax ; save ax in current pcb
    mov [pcb+bx+4], cx ; save cx in current pcb
    mov [pcb+bx+6], dx ; save dx in current pcb
    mov [pcb+bx+8], si ; save si in current pcb
    mov [pcb+bx+10], di ; save di in current pcb
    mov [pcb+bx+12], bp ; save bp in current pcb
    mov [pcb+bx+24], es ; save es in current pcb
    pop ax ; read original bx from stack
    mov [pcb+bx+2], ax ; save bx in current pcb
    pop ax ; read original ds from stack
    mov [pcb+bx+20], ax ; save ds in current pcb
    pop ax ; read original ip from stack
    mov [pcb+bx+16], ax ; save ip in current pcb
    pop ax ; read original cs from stack
    mov [pcb+bx+18], ax ; save cs in current pcb
    pop ax ; read original flags from stack
    mov [pcb+bx+26], ax ; save cs in current pcb
    mov [pcb+bx+22], ss ; save ss in current pcb
    mov [pcb+bx+14], sp ; save sp in current pcb
    mov bx, [pcb+bx+28] ; read next pcb of this pcb
    mov [current], bx ; update current to new pcb
    mov cl, 5
    shl bx, cl ; multiply by 32 for pcb start
    mov cx, [pcb+bx+4] ; read cx of new process
    mov dx, [pcb+bx+6] ; read dx of new process
    mov si, [pcb+bx+8] ; read si of new process
    mov di, [pcb+bx+10] ; read di of new process
    mov bp, [pcb+bx+12] ; read bp of new process
    mov es, [pcb+bx+24] ; read es of new process
    mov ss, [pcb+bx+22] ; read ss of new process
    mov sp, [pcb+bx+14] ; read sp of new process
    push word [pcb+bx+26] ; push flags of new process
    push word [pcb+bx+18] ; push cs of new process
    push word [pcb+bx+16] ; push ip of new process
    push word [pcb+bx+20] ; push ds of new process
    mov al, 0×20 http://www.vustudents.net
    out 0×20, al ; send EOI to PIC
    mov ax, [pcb+bx+0] ; read ax of new process
    mov bx, [pcb+bx+2] ; read bx of new process
    pop ds ; read ds of new process
    iret ; return to new process
    mov [originalstate], ax ; save original state
    mov [originalstate +2], bx
    mov [originalstate +4], cx
    mov [originalstate +6], dx
    mov [originalstate +8], si
    mov [originalstate +10], di
    mov [originalstate +12], bp
    mov [originalstate +14], sp
    mov [originalstate +20], ds
    mov [originalstate +22], ss
    mov [originalstate +24], es
    pushf ; push flags on stack
    pop word [originalstate +26] ; save flags register in memory
    xor ax, ax ; initialize ax with zero
    mov es, ax ; point es to IVT base
    mov bx, [es:8*4] ; load offset of timer ISR
    mov word [oldtimer], bx ; save original ISR offset
    mov bx, [es:8*4+2] ; load segment of timer ISR
    mov [oldtimer +2], bx ; save original ISR segment
    cli ; disable all interrupts
    mov word [es:8*4], timer ; hooking timer interrupt
    mov [es:8*4+2], cs
    sti ; enable interrupts
    xor ah, ah ; service 0 – get keystroke
    int 0×16 ; bios keyboard services
    cmp al, ‘s’ ; compeare if s is pressed
    je newtask ; if s is pressed go to newtask
    cmp al, ‘S’ ; compeare if S is pressed
    je newtask ; if S is pressed go to newtask
    cmp al, ‘q’ ; compeare if q is pressed
    je quit ; if q is pressed go to quit
    cmp al, ‘Q’ ; compeare if Q is pressed
    je quit ; if Q is pressed go to quit
    jmp nextkey ; otherwise wait for next key
    push cs ; use current code segment
    mov ax, mytask
    push ax ; use mytask as offset
    push word [column_no] ; Pushing [column_no] as thread parameter
    call initpcb ; register the thread
    inc word [column_no] ; increment column_no by 1
    jmp nextkey ; wait for next keypress
    xor ax, ax
    mov es, ax ; point es to IVT base
    cli ; disable interrupts
    mov ax, word [oldtimer] ; load timer offset in ax
    mov [es:8*4], ax ; Point IVT to original timer ISR
    mov ax, word [oldtimer+2] ; load timer segment in ax
    mov [es:8*4+2], ax ; Point IVT to original timer ISR
    sti ; enable interrupts
    mov ax, [originalstate] ; restore original state
    mov bx, [originalstate +2]
    mov cx, [originalstate +4]
    mov dx, [originalstate +6]
    mov si, [originalstate +8]
    mov di, [originalstate +10]
    mov bp, [originalstate +12]
    mov sp, [originalstate +14]
    mov ds, [originalstate +20]
    mov ss, [originalstate +22]
    mov es, [originalstate +24]
    push word [originalstate +26]
    popf ; restore flag register
    mov ah, 0x4c ; DOS service to terminate program
    int 0×21

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