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Thread: Reporting and sub-editing MCM 311

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    Icon51 Reporting and sub-editing MCM 311

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    get solution when ever u want
    Read the information given below and arrange it in inverted pyramid style in a way
    that it gives the look of a complete news story. Also suggest a suitable headline to it.
    􀂃 Pakistan's government blames Baloch insurgents for such attacks, who have
    blown up gas pipelines, railway lines and electricity lines in the past. They have
    also attacked army bases and government buildings
    􀂃 Gas pipeline in southwestern Balochistan province blown up by unknown people
    􀂃 Officials said that repair of the pipeline has been started and it will take some time
    to restore the supply
    􀂃 Gas supply partially disrupted
    􀂃 Pipelines are targeted regularly in this gas-rich province where tribal groups are
    pushing for greater autonomy.
    􀂃 It caused a damage of three-foot pipeline
    􀂃 Location is at Akhtar Abad area of Quetta, as per spokesman for the Sui Southern
    Gas company
    􀂃 Officials suspect tribal rebels were behind the incident.
    􀂃 As per police officer it was blown with the help of explosive material
    􀂃 It disrupted gas supply to some areas in Quetta and other parts of the province.
    􀂃 The pipeline caught fire after the blast and fire fighters were called who
    controlled the blaze after some time.
    􀂃 No information about the responsible persons up till now.
    Activity 2 5 Marks
    Eliminate the unnecessary words from the following sentences.
    1. The T-shirts were free of charge to the first 50 customers.
    2. The contractor did a totally complete job on the renovation.
    3. The airline faced a crisis situation after the crash.
    4. The mayor flatly rejected the ordinance.
    5. Police said the armed gunman was caught near the bank.
    Activity 3 5 Marks
    Words with different meanings often look or sound similar. As a journalist, you
    should be familiar with these words and use them correctly. Cross out the wrong
    words in the following sentences, leaving only the correct ones.
    1. The (cite/sight/site) chosen by the City for (it’s/its) new office building could
    (affect/effect) parking in that part of town.
    2. The United States army general was able to (envelop/envelope) the enemy in
    (fewer/less) than 24 hours, capturing (more than/over) 7,000 soldiers (who/whom/which)
    were (than/then) disarmed.
    3. The fire (marshall/marshal) said it will cost (about/around) 100,000 dollars to repair
    the apartment complex, where a dozen (people/persons) lived before Fridays fire
    (burnt/burned) most of the building.
    4. The elementary school (principal/principle) said Mister Smith is a man of high
    (principal/principle) and deserves the (reward/award) as teacher of the year.
    5. The (blond/blonde) girl (complimented/complemented) her friend on the new shoes
    (that/which) she bought on sale for just ten dollars.
    Guidelines to conduct the Assignment
    􀂾 Make sure your developed news has answered 5W’s and one H in the activity 1.
    􀂾 Make sure you have arranged the information in inverted pyramid style
    􀂾 Make sure you have given an appropriate headline to your news story.
    􀂾 Make sure you have attempted the activity 2 and 3 from journalistic writing
    Last Date of Submission: 20th January, 2011
    Marks: 15
    • Make sure that you upload the solution file before due date. No assignment
    will be accepted through e-mail after the due date.
    Formatting guidelines
    • Use the font style “Times New Roman” and font size “12”.
    • Compose your document in MS-Word 2003. Any file created in any other
    version will not be accepted and marked zero.
    • Use black and blue font colors only.
    Solution guidelines
    • The student will work individually and has to write in the form of an
    analytical assignment.
    • Give the answer according to question, there will be negative marking for
    irrelevant material.
    • Make sure you are producing the content in your own expression
    Please note that your assignment will not be graded if:
    • It is submitted after due date
    • The file you uploaded does not open
    • The file you uploaded is copied from some one else
    • It is in some format other than .doc
    • Cheating or copying of assignment is strictly prohibited. The cheated or
    copied assignment will be marked as Zero

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