CS201 Introduction to Programming Quiz No.1 Fall Semester 2012

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This is to inform that CS201 Introduction to Programming Online Quiz No.1 Semester Fall 2012 has opened on Nov 08, 2012 12:00 AM and end date of taking quiz is Nov 08, 2012 11:59 PM.

CS201 Introduction to Programming Solved Online Quiz No.1 Semester Fall 2012

While developing a program; should we think about the user interface?


We comment code; as it makes program __________________

Easy to understand.

If int sum = 54; Then the value of the following statement is sum = sum - 3 ;


What is the output of the following code if the 2nd case is true switch (var) { case ‘a’: cout”apple”endl; case ‘b’: cout”banana”endl; case ‘m’: cout”mango”endl; default: cout”any fruit”endl; }

No one!

According to c++ norms; the first character of a variable name must be an alphabet or


________ statement interrupts the flow of control.


In C/C++; by default arguments are passed by _______ to a function.


< , <= , > , >= are called __________ operators.

Relational operators

___________ are used to compile the code.


” = “ operator is used for ___________.