The quality of products and services can be measured by their dimensions. Measuring the quality of services and products helps us to understand the concepts of product and service dimensions. Quality is multidimensional so, Product and service quality have a number of dimensions which determine how customer requirements are achieved.

Therefore as being TQM student it is essential for me that I consider the entire dimension that may be important to satisfy my requirements. These are as follows:
Product quality has two dimensions.
• Physical dimension measures the tangible product itself and includes such things like length, weight, and temperature etc.
• Performance dimension measures how well a product works and includes such things like speed and capacity.

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Performance dimensions are more difficult to measure and obtain when compared it to physical dimensions. Like product quality, service quality also has several dimensions.

• Responsiveness refers to the reaction time of the service.
• Assurance refers to the level of certainty that a customer has concerning the quality of the service provided.
• Tangibles refer to a service's look or feel.
• Empathy being able to understand the needs of the customer as an individual and meet the special requirements of the customer
• Reliability refers to the dependability of the service