After the employee is selected finally and is provided orientation, the next essential step is training. Training means that employees should be

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informed and provided skills to be able to perform well in the job. Usually training focus on three areas. These are:
1) Training in skills.
2) Training in knowledge and
3) Training in attitudes
Miss Fatima will be suggested that she should adopt these types of training so that she could better provide the information and abilities. She

can provide better environment then before. Each and every worker should be given training according to their nature of the job; training differs

from person to persons. Training means to impart information or skill through drill. It is nothing but applications of knowledge with specific views

and brings awareness among the people of what procedures to follow for that job in the enterprise.
In this case, Mariam as a receptionist should require training in attitudes, modes of communication, Shehzad being a clerk requires training in

disseminating knowledge in a better way and Ali as assistant requires training of skills and knowledge.