Due Date: 12th November 2013

Upload your assignment as a Microsoft word file. It should have name [YourRollNo.doc]
Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before Tuesday, 19th November 2013.

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Marks: 10
Question 1: [Marks : 05]
Consider a computer system with two processes, P0 and P1. The CPU is switched from P0 to P1 when P0 finishes its CPU burst and needs to wait for an event or the CPU is switched from P1 to P0 when P1 finishes its CPU burst and needs to wait for an event. This means that when one process is using the CPU, the other is waiting for I/O operations. Write the name of technique and also justify with soled reason whether this technique increase the CPU utilization.
Question 2: [Marks : 05]
Suppose you are a software designer in a company “XYZ” Your client give the following requirement to design a customized operating system
Operating system is easier to debug.
Operating system is capable to add new services to user space and as a result do not require modification of the kernel.
Operating system is easy to modify and changes affect only limited sections or modules of the system rather than touching all module or sections of the operating system.
Operating system provides a robust level of security.
You are required to propose an operating system by blending of different operating system structures in order to fulfill all of the above requirements.