Blast fishing or dynamite fishing is a fish catching technique used to artificially kill the bulk quantity of underwater fish for commercial purpose. In this technique, small scale underwater dynamite blasts are used to kill fish for easy collection of bulk quantity fish. This is a large scale technique used in different parts of the world. Although it is an illegal technique in most of the countries but still it is in use due to weak regulatory system in some countries. Many fish farms and fishermen use this technique for making easy money with less cost and time. On the other side of it, negative impact of blast fishing on eco system and human health is yet unexplored to a large extent.


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Mr. Nadeem who is the manager of a fish farm near the bank of river Jhelum is in a cognitive dilemma whether to use eco friendly fish catching techniques or to use blast fishing technique for making quick profit. Financial returns of the firm may significantly increase if Mr. Nadeem starts using this technique of blast fishing. He has often observed fishermen and fish farms in the surrounding areas using this technique. There is no significant regulatory check on sea life protection in Pakistan although laws are there along with some foreign funded NGO’s working for wild life protection.

Now from financial perspective, Mr. Nadeem wants to use blast fishing technique. But his understanding about the usefulness of an ethical business approach is causing doubt in his mind. He has started thinking about the after effects of blast fishing for surrounding population in particular and for society in general. After some brainstorming, he has decided to use utilitarian approach for making a final decision in this regard.


Do you think that the utilitarian approach should be used in this situation for making a final decision on blast fishing? What kind of drawbacks a fish farming business may have with the use of such blast fishing technique?