Ramadan is a month of thousand of blessing. We are lucky Allah blessed us with month of Ramadan.

We should thankful to Allah that He blessed us one another time with month of Ramadan. It is the month in which our holy book Quran sent down. Today we are being blessed with fourth Ramadan. There are countless blessing and benefits in the month of Ramadan and Ramadan fasting. If we get to know the real taste of Ramadan, we will wish to have Ramadan all over the year. Ramadan is a month of thousand of blessing. We are lucky Allah blessed us with month of Ramadan. Regarding Ramadan it is being said, doors of heaven are opened, hell is closed and the evils are chained down. So rather we suppose to act bad things we should strictly follow the Ramadan soul. We should offer five times prayer, recite Quran with meaning. So its an another big chance for us to earn Allah bliss as much as we can.

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