STA 630 Research Method GDB No:2 Solution and Discussion Spring 2014 Due Date July 14, 2014

A researcher, from a developed country, decided to collect blood samples from an under developed country for his study. Before collecting the samples, the researcher got the informed consent from participants. As many of the participants were illiterate, researcher and his team had to have the consent form read and explained. Free medical treatment was given to the masses and medicines were also distributed in order to involve large number of people and make them willing to participate.On the day of collection of blood samples, it was of immense surprise that hardly 50% of the participants arrived at the makeshift clinic for giving their blood samples. This created a panic, so the researcher decided that there was no way out other than taking the equipment with the team and went to participants’ houses. Researcher was contented that this strategy would increase the response rate as by personally visiting the houses would make harder for participants to say “NO”.


Discuss whether all of the steps taken by the researcher are justified; or has he crossed the ethical line of respecting respondents’ rights at any stage. Generate number of arguments to support your stance.

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