CS101 Introduction to Computing Quiz No 3 Solution Spring Fall July 2014

1. Multiple JavaScript statements are normally separated by ___________________
• all of above

2. Two or more computers connected together so that they can share information and resources are termed as :
• Computer Networks

3. MATH functions are accessed by referring to various ______________of the Math object
• Functions
• Events
• Properties
Ans.: Properties

4. Who routes the packets through the Internet to get them to their destination?
• IP

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5. _________ is used to form a connection between two separate, but similar networks.
• Bridge
• Router
• Gateway
• None of the given choices
Ans.: Bridge

6. In Which topologies, network is not affected if one computer goes down?
• Bus & Ring

7. The computer working independently with no connection to any other computer is called
• Standalone
• Workstation
• Server
• None of the given choices
Ans: Standalone

8. Browser sends ‘_________’ request to web server to access a file.
• All of the given choices
Ans: All / Transfer

9. ______________________ is a collection of data organized in such way that the computer can quickly search for a desired data item.
• Data Base
• Data Mining
• File System
Ans: Database / DBMS

10. Using Color Mapping scheme only a limited number of color called _____________ are allowed.
• Reserved
• Pointers
• Platelet
• None of these
Ans: Reserved