SOC101 Introduction to Sociology GDB No. 1 Solution and Discussion Fall November 2014


As migration to other places and countries lead towards cultural shock and many other social problems so it is better for an individual to stay in his/her own place, it will restrain conflict. Do you agree or not? Explain your point of view.

Important Instructions:

1. Your discussion must be based on logical facts. (Word limit 250-300)

2. The GDB will remain open for 2 working days/ 48 hours.

3. Do not copy or exchange your answer with other students. Two identical / copied comments will be marked Zero (0) and may damage your grade in the course.

4. Obnoxious or ignoble answer should be strictly avoided.

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5. Questions / queries related to the content of the GDB, which may be posted by the students on MDB or via e-mail, will not be replied till the due date of GDB is over.