CS304 Object Oriented Programming Assignment 02 Solution and Discussion Fall 2014 Due Date: Dec 08, 2014


The objective of this assignment is to provide hands on experience of:

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Relationships among classes
Constructor overloading
Getter and Setter functions

Code should be properly indented and well commented.
Follow C/C++ guide lines while writing variable names, function names etc
Use only dev-C++ for this assignment.


Problem Statement:


Default constructor for account class, setting account balance to 0, Account number to 1, branch name to NULL and branch code to 0
Account(float, int, char *, int)
It will take balance, account no, bank name and branch code as arguments and set their values accordingly
This will subtract amount from the balance of account that will be passed as its parameter.

If the amount being withdrawn is greater the balance of the account , it will display the message “Insufficient balance”
Function will add amount to the balance of account. Amount will be passed as its parameter.
This function will return the value of available balance
This function will return the account number
This function will return the name of bank
This function will return branch code of bank
Customer class has the following data members:

Customer Name
Account object

Customer class must have the following member functions:


Within main() function, objects of both classes will be created , and respective member functions of these objects will be called.

First of all create an object of Account class by passing balance, account number, bank name and branch code. Then create an object of customer class by passing Account object, name and address. Now call display() function which will display all the values of Customer including his/her name, address and account detail.

The program should prompt the user to enter a value and call deposit() function passing it entered value. Then call the display() function.

After this, the program should prompt the user to enter a value and call withdraw() function passing it entered value. Then call the display() function.

Sample output of the program:

s2 (1).jpg