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- fbise Syllabus and Model Question Papers For Class X For...
For Class X (marks 65)
1. Dietary requirements of nutrients in different conditions:
For different age groups - infancy, pre-school age, adolescence and normal adults,
during pregnancy and lactation
2. Your food:
– Washing, cleaning and preparing of foods
– Basic principles of cooking food, minimizing nutrient losses
3. Food Hygienics and Sanitations:
– Sources of contamination of food
– Food borne diseases
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The question papers will be syllabus oriented. However, the following books are
recommended for reference and supplementary reading:
1. Food and Nutrition
Punjab Textbook Board, Lahore
2. Food and Nutrition,
Urdu Science Board, Lahore.
3. Food and Nutrition,
NWFP Textbook Board, Peshawar.
4. Food and Nutrition
Mir Zahida Yaqoob
Salman Publishers, Lahore
5. A Textbook of Home Economics (Part-2)
Bushra Saeed
Aziz Publishers Urdu Bazar, Lahore
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