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Solution (Spring 2010) English Comprehension (ENG 101)View more random threads:
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Q1: Choose the best meaning for each highlighted word. 4
1. Joseph wanted to adopt a healthy lifestyle, so he resolved to abstain from high-fat, fast food and sugar-laden sodas.
• Agree to unwillingly
• Give up voluntarily
• Accept without question
• Stain one’s reputation
2: The coach observed his team’s bizarre behavior and concluded that the players were suffering from dehydration.
• Unusual
• A flea market and bake sale
• Appropriate
• Ordinary
3: The Senate hearing committee demanded the corporation’s officers to provide credible documents to explain their unusual accounting procedures.
• Practical
• Praiseworthy
• Believable
• Worthless
4: Usman knew that the reading class would improve his vocabulary and comprehension, thus increasing his chances of success in subsequent college courses.
• Following
• First
• Out of order
• Less important
Q2: Read the following paragraph and find out the Main Idea and Supporting
Details. Suggest a suitable Topic as well. 6
1. A common man never wants a war and is not even in favour of borders and boundaries.2.He is against prejudices and wants an integrated world. 3.Uncountable marriages among unlike and diverse nationalities and the reactions of people all over the world against US invasion on Afghanistan and Iraq are the symbols of same peace loving, cosmopolitan emotions and mentalities all over the world. 4. But there are groups of a few people present in every country who claim to be sincere with their nations. 5. These so called sincere include passionate political and military leaders. 6. To satisfy their motives they sow the seeds of hatred in the hearts of their nations and then after giving birth to an issue, and by making it crucial and complex, they indulge innocent people in that. 7. Media has provided them an easy way to mislead their people. 8. By using the media machinery they mould the minds of their nation according to their own wish.
Topic: Demarits of Media.
Sentence 1: Man does not like war naturally. He likes peace everytime.
Sentence 2: A man wants the world to be united in the right path.
Sentence 3: People from all over the world are against the entrance of the US army in Iraq and Afghanistan. They dont like terrorism in any part of the world.
Sentence 4: There are number of people found in every country who are sincere for their nation.
Sentence 5: The people who claim of sincerity , they are mostly passionate politician and soldiers.
Sentence 6: These people who claim of sincerity first of all they create a problem for their nation and by doing so they become notorious among the nation. These people use the innocent persons for their danger purposes.
Sentence 7: These people get full advantage through media to make slip away the people from the right path. So media is the easiest way to mislead the nation.
Sentence 8: By using Media the corrupt ruler inspire the thinking power of nation as they want. They motivate them as they wish. So by using media these people mislead the nation.
Q3: Put the correct form of words given in brackets while using affixes. 5
1. This word is very difficult to spell, and even worse, it's Pronunciation.
2. He's lost his book again. I don't know where he has placed it this time.
3. He wants to be a Mathematician when he grows up.
4. I think that you should Consider It may not be the best thing to do.
5. She looked at her Reflection in the mirror.
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thankx for the upload viki bahi
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