1) what is minimum cardinality
2)write a note on Relational Algebra
3)what is cross matrix
4)write 5 function of relational table
Mcqs are mostly from past paper

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Total Marks = 36
MCQs = 16 (01 Mark each)
One long question = 05 Marks
03 long questions = 03 Marks
03 Long questions = 02 Marks
Describe with example function of Union Operation in relational
algebra (05 Marks)
Describe with example Refrential integrity constraints (03 Marks)
Describe functional dependency (03 Marks)
Give atleast 02 benefits of Normalization (02 Marks)
What is Data Definition Language (DDL) ? (02 Marks)
What is data type? (02 Marks)


CS403-Data Base management

MCQ’s =20 Mostly form past paper’s

Q21:-what do you know about partial dependency? (2)

Q22:-Define domain of an attribute? (2)

Q23:-Define relationship type? (3)

Q24:-Describe shortly “ the difference Operation “ in relational
algebra? (3)

Q25:-Explain the salient features of foreign key with help of example?

Q26:-Consider the relation R with four attributes A,B,C and D and the

functional dependencies

(A,B)->(C,D) and C->D

a). The above relation is normalized relation upto which normal

b).Write the PK of relation R. (5)