CS408 VU Midterm Current Papers Spring 2012 of Virtual University of Pakistan

CS408 VU Midterm Current Papers Spring 2012 of Virtual University of Pakistan [May 2012]

All MCQs were easy.

> Suppose you are a product designer and have to create a product that satisfy broad audience but some “Self-referential design”. A user-Centered design issue arise during product development. What are they and how persona resolve them? 5 marks

> Give the two real world example of QWERTY keyboard. 3 marks


> A Being a researcher, identify in which phases of ethnographic interviews you Explore, Identify vu solutions dot com patterns of use and Confirm patterns of use? Briefly explain them. 3 marks


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> As a HCI specialist, if we design a system with good usability and good user experience, what will be the result? 3 marks


> Being a researcher, what is the need of literature review in research in your point of view? Give brief answer. 2 marks


> List four kinds of translated input events. 2 marks