20 mcqs and 6 long question are included
MCQS are almost all from past papers

1. Why we use queue data structure in level order traversal? 2 marks
2. write down two cases inwhich we use double rotataion in an AVL tree? 3 marks
3. a diagram was of binaary tree we have to tell the correct statements from the statements provided? 3 marks
4.a while loop is given in which we have to put teh right statement instaed of wuestion mark ? 5marks
5. which statements are correct and incorrect and explain ur answer in detail ?5marks
a. int x;
int *y=& x;
int x;
int& y= x;
int x;
int y = x;
6. what is the difference between binary and AVL tree?
2 marks


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26 total q
18 ya 19 mcqs
mostly frm starting lectures
truth table of hlf adder...........2marks
quine mulaschy method .....explain first step....3marks
wt is encoder........3marks
latch S-R using nand gate...........5marks