CS506 Web Design and Development Assignment No. 01 Solution Ideas Due Date :18/11/2014

Lectures Covered: This assignment covers Lecture # 1-5

Your assignment must be uploaded/submitted at or before 18/11/2014.
Problem Statement:
You are required to write a java program which stores and display the Student information.

Detailed Description:

Your program should have following two classes.

Following is the detail of StudentRecord class

ٰIn “StudentRecord” class, it should have the following data members:

Student ID
Course ID
Course Name
StudentRecord class must have the following member methods:

Parameterized constructor
Setter methods
Getter methods
Print method
Parameterized constructor: It should take three String parameters named as (Student Id, Course Id and Course Name) and initializes the data members of StudentRecord class by using the setter methods. In Student Id you have to store your VUID.

Following is the detail of member method of “StudentRecord” class.

Setter methods: There must be a setter method for each data member of a class

Getter methods: There must be a getter method for each data member of class

Print method: It should display the values of each data member of class by calling getter methods.

Following is the detail of TestStudentRecord class

“TestStudentRecord” class contain the main method, within main () method, create an object of StudentRecord class by using the parameterized constructor, and pass it the three string parameters i.e. (student id, course id and course name). In Student id you must store your own VUID.

At the end, call the Print() method which will display the values of student id, course id and course name by calling the getter methods.

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