Assignment Question:

Suppose we want to develop software for token machine of ABC bank. At entrance, token machine generates token for each customer. The first 10 customers received the following token numbers:

00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 and 99

Students are required to write C++ code in order to:

Build a Min heap from the above data
Build a Max heap from the above data

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Solution Guidelines:

Your solution should contain the following functions:





buildMaxHeap() function is used to build MaxHeap.

buildMinHeap() function is used to build MinHeap.

maxHeapify() function is used to arrange the values according to the max heap property.

minHeapify() function is used to arrange the values according to the min heap property.

In main() function, declare an array of 10 elements of integer type. Assign the values as given in the sample output.

Then call the buildMaxHeap() function and print the max heap values as given in the sample output.

Then call the buildMinHeap() function and print the min heap values as given in the sample output.