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PSC201 International Relations Assignment No.1 Fall Semester 2012

The US imperialism seems to be heading no where. They have been ill served by its diplomats, soldiers and spies. It has been a resoundingly disastrous expedition. The militancy is still alive and the region still destabilized. Yet, the US/Nato/Isaf combine feel obliged to declare victory and go home. They are leaving behind an unfinished agenda, a task unaccomplished. (The Nation)
Pakistan on the other side will be directly affected by the unfolded war. Likewise, in the soviet war when large sum of refugees were left at the cost of Pakistan. Crimes and heroin culture took birth that is still having strong roots in Pakistan. To avoid the same, Pakistan and the coalition partners have to shape future looking to the past.

Identify the United States manifest interests in Afghanistan.
 Analyze United States current status in Afghanistan and state weather it is leading towards failure in the region? State examples
 Keeping in view the negative effects of the United States war on terror on the Pakistan’s economy, society and law and order. How could Pakistan de-alienate itself from the war in order to focus on its internal affairs? Give your suggestions.