Total Marks : 20
Due Date : 26-11-2012

Question 1: [20 Marks]

Write a C program that would draw the following shapes; rectangle, ellipse, circle and point in the following way as described below.

Draw the rectangle as described in the figure below and the ellipse, circle and point should be drawn within the rectangle body.
Hint: Use the rectangle(x,y,a,b) function to draw the rectangle.

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Ellipse should be enclosed by the rectangle as described in the figure below.
Hint :Use the ellipse(x,y,startangle, endangle, semimajor, semiminor) function to draw the ellipse.

Circle should be drawn with in the ellipse as described in the figure below.
Hint: Use the circle(x,y,radius) function to draw the circle.

Ellipse and circle should have common center and that center point should be displayed as a point.
Hint: Use the putpixel(x,y,colour) function to draw the point.

You can choose any colour for drawing rectangle, ellipse, circle and point; it can be of your own choice.

(Expected Output)
You can consult handouts of lecture 13 for help. You have to use Borlandc to run this program as
graphics.h is a borlnadc library. You can download borlandc setup from download section of cs602.
After installing Borlandc run BC.EXE.

Now Go to Options =>Linker =>Libraries
Press Alt + G
Press Alt +K

It will enable the graphics library. Now change following command in your program according to your installation.
initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "c:\\tc\\bgi");
For example:
initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "c:\\BorlandC\\bgi");