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Thread: Rational Number Calculator

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Rational Number Calculator

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    Here is the code I need to write, I Already completed the first part, but I need help with Problem 2:

    Problem 1: Write a RationalNumber class having public methods for
    public RationalNumber() // Initializes to 0/1
    public RationalNumber(int n, int d) // Initializes to n/d
    public RationalNumber(RationalNumber x) // Initializes to x’s values
    public void add(RationalNumber other) // this = this + other
    public void subtract(RationalNumber other) // this = this - other
    public void multiply(RationalNumber other) // this = this * other
    public void divide(RationalNumber other) // this = this / other
    public String toString() // Creates string representation
    public boolean equals(RationalNumber other) // Is this == other?
    - Any methods not listed above and all data fields should be private.
    - r.equals(s) should return true if r and s have the same value. You know enough to do a decent job of
    this method already, but if you want to do an even better job, read Pages 573-578 before writing equals.
    - toString should create a String representation of the rational, in reduced form. If a number is negative
    the string should begin with -. If it is a whole number (including zero) it should be shown as over 1. For
    example. If I initialize with n=4 and d=-2, toString should return "-2/1".
    - If d=0 is passed to the constructor, throw an IllegalArgumentException.

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    Problem 2: Write a rational number calculator that repeatedly waits for an input line and then prints
    the result of the calculation using your RationalNumber class. The calculator should stop once the user
    types “q”. Your program should behave like this:
    > 1 / 2 + 1 / 2
    > 1 / 2 - 1 / 2
    > 10 / 1 * -1 / 10
    > -64 / 128 / 128 / -64
    > 2 / -4 = -3 / 6
    > q
    Each line has the following format <int> / <int> <op> <int> / <int>, so it should be easy to parse using
    Scanner methods. <int> / <int> represents a rational number, and <op> is a single character indicating
    the desired operation. You may assume that every input follows this format without error.

  2. #2
    Administrator Xpert's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010
    What is this i do not understand this.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    May 2011


    Its a java based computer science assignment

    I have to make a rational number calculator, it will constantly ask for input from the user and will act like the example above. I need it in a more basic version.

    Here is a program I found that does the job, but its way to complex for my class level:

    import java.util.Scanner;

    public class RationalCalculator2 {

    Scanner kbd;
    private RationalNumber operand1;
    private RationalNumber operand2;
    * operation:
    * 0 : add;
    * 1 : subtract;
    * 2 : multiply;
    * 3 : divide;
    * 4 : compare;
    private int operation;

    public RationalCalculator2()
    kbd = new Scanner(System.in);
    * gets input from console line, and initializes operands and operation
    * @return true if new expression is inputed, false if user wants to quit
    public boolean getInput()
    String[] lineParts = kbd.nextLine().split("/");
    if(lineParts.length == 1)
    if(lineParts[0].equalsIgnoreCase("q")) return false;
    if(lineParts.length == 4) //divide case
    operation = 3;
    operand1 = new RationalNumber(Integer.parseInt(lineParts[0]), Integer.parseInt(lineParts[1]));
    operand2 = new RationalNumber(Integer.parseInt(lineParts[2]), Integer.parseInt(lineParts[3]));
    else //not divide
    String[] midPart = lineParts[1].trim().split("\\s"); //should yield 3 parts, i.e: 3, +, 4
    switch(midPart[1].trim().charAt(0)) // grab the operator
    case '+':
    operation = 0;
    operand1 = new RationalNumber(Integer.parseInt(lineParts[0].trim()), Integer.parseInt(midPart[0].trim()));
    operand2 = new RationalNumber(Integer.parseInt(midPart[2].trim()), Integer.parseInt(lineParts[2].trim()));
    case '-':
    operation = 1;
    operand1 = new RationalNumber(Integer.parseInt(lineParts[0].trim()), Integer.parseInt(midPart[0].trim()));
    operand2 = new RationalNumber(Integer.parseInt(midPart[2].trim()), Integer.parseInt(lineParts[2].trim()));
    case '*':
    operation = 2;
    operand1 = new RationalNumber(Integer.parseInt(lineParts[0].trim()), Integer.parseInt(midPart[0].trim()));
    operand2 = new RationalNumber(Integer.parseInt(midPart[2].trim()), Integer.parseInt(lineParts[2].trim()));
    case '=':
    operation = 4;
    operand1 = new RationalNumber(Integer.parseInt(lineParts[0].trim()), Integer.parseInt(midPart[0].trim()));
    operand2 = new RationalNumber(Integer.parseInt(midPart[2].trim()), Integer.parseInt(lineParts[2].trim()));
    return true;
    * adds
    private void add(){ // operand1 = operand1 + operand2
    //operand1.den = operand1.den * operand2.den; //wrong output because you change den to new value,
    operand1.num = operand1.num * operand2.den + operand2.num * operand1.den; // but you want the old value here.
    operand1.den = operand1.den * operand2.den;
    * subtracts
    private void subtract(){ // operand1 = operand1 - operand2
    // operand1.den = operand1.den * operand2.den; //see add explanation
    operand1.num = operand1.num * operand2.den - operand2.num * operand1.den;
    operand1.den = operand1.den * operand2.den;
    //toString ();

    * multiplies
    private void multiply(){ // operand1 = operand1 * operand2
    operand1.den = operand1.den * operand2.den;
    operand1.num = operand1.num * operand2.num;
    //toString ();
    * divides
    private void divide(){ // operand1 = operand1 / operand2
    operand1.den = operand1.den * operand2.num;
    operand1.num = operand1.num * operand2.den;
    //toString ();
    * compares
    * @return
    private boolean equals(){ // Is this == other?

    if( operand1.num == operand2.num && operand1.den == operand2.den){
    return true;
    return false;

    * takes operation and performs it on operands
    * @return answer in string form;
    public String calculate()
    case 0:
    case 1:
    case 2:
    case 3:
    case 4:
    return ""+equals();
    return operand1.toString();

    * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    RationalCalculator2 calc = new RationalCalculator2();
    System.out.println("Enter an equation of two rational number in format: \"n / d operation n /d\"\nType \"q\" to quit.");

    * Rational Number.
    * This is all a number should know: it's value and how to reduce itself;
    * @author GoldfishGrenade
    class RationalNumber
    private int num; //numerator
    private int den; //denominator

    public RationalNumber(int num, int den)
    this.num = num;
    this.den = den;
    public String toString()
    return ""+num+" / "+den;

    private void reduce(){
    int yes = 0;
    int smaller;
    int num1=this.num,den1=this.den;
    // you forgot the if num = 0 case
    if(num == 0)
    den = 1;
    if(num < 0 && den < 0)
    num *= -1;
    den *= -1;
    { num1=-1*num;}
    { den1=-1*den;}
    if ( num1 < den1 ){
    smaller = num1;
    smaller = den1;}

    for ( int div = smaller; div >= 2; div-- ){
    if ( num1 % div == 0 && den1 % div == 0 ){
    yes = div;
    if ( yes != 0 ){
    num /= yes;
    den /= yes;

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