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Thread: ENG301 Assignment 4 Deadline 28 July 2010

  1. #1
    Senior Member viki's Avatar
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    Adrive2 ENG301 Assignment 4 Deadline 28 July 2010

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  2. #2
    Senior Member viki's Avatar
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    Adrive2 Idea Solution of ENG301 Assignment 4

    Question No.1 (10)

    Write a resume in a functional form to a company looking for fresh graduates for different posts. (Cover letter is optional)

    Functional Resume Example
    Elliot T. Murray
    1254 - Willowdale Crescent
    Coquitlam, BC V7H 9K0
    Tel: (604) 687 - 3456 (604) 687 - 3456
    Email: murray@ilda.com

    Summary of Qualifications:

    *16 years accounting experience
    *15 years volunteer experience in 4 philanthropic organizations
    *5 years grant writing experience
    *Secretary of non-profit British Columbia Accounting Association, 1993 - 1995

    Non-Profit Skills:

    *Managed finances of province-wide non-profit British Columbia Accounting Association
    *Created and submitted a grant for operating expenses on behalf of Cutting Edge lawn-mowing - run by a Church student groups
    *Supervised volunteers for Habitat for Humanity

    Supervisory Skills:

    *Managed team of 8 junior accountants, including daily work assignments and annual performance reviews
    *Conducted all hiring, promotions, salary adjustments, terminations as needed
    *Facilitated team development and conflict resolution when needed

    Computer/Project Management Skills:

    *Successfully completed implementation of new accounting software system (NASS) two months ahead of schedule
    *Consulted with Benefits ***** to streamline operations, saving $10,000 annually.


    Masters in Business Administration, Finance, 1985
    Simon Fraser University, British Columbia

    Bachelor of Arts, Economics, 1981
    University of British Columbia, British Columbia


    Soccer, Managing Investments, Gourmet Cooking
    Habitat for Humanity, Toastmasters, Amnesty International

    Question No.2 (5)

    What are five important things for a successful interview? Explain each briefly.


    To make your interview successful apart from your knowledge, many other factors matter. Here are five important things to keep in your mind when you are going for an interview.
    Your Resume:
    In today’s competitive market we all need a good resume to succeed in an interview. Your resume is a best way to describe yourself. A good resume will provide personal information, qualifications, work experience, and educational background of an applicant. It should contain all the essential elements of an applicant and address all the needs of the employer. Please do not mention any fake work experience and qualification in your resume. Before going for interview you should read your resume, it will make you more confident while your interview.
    Your Body Language:
    Don’t be nervous, be yourself. Always keep in your mind that interviewer is also human. Don’t try to lead interviewer, don’t interrupt him/her. Let the interviewer finish his/her statement, then you should start. Don’t talk too quickly, so that you will get more time to think. On the other hand do not talk too slowly. If you are unsure what to do with your hands during interview, rest them on the table or lap. Touching your face and hair, folding your arms during interview is very unprofessional. Make regular eye contact with interviewer to show that you are actively involved. If there are multiple interviewers, maintain eye contact with the interviewer who is speaking.
    Your Research:
    You should learn about the company before going for an interview. Check out the company’s website and Search the internet for any recent press release. You know what they do and what will your job profile if you select. If possible you can research about the interviewer. If you enter into the interview room with this per-work, you will feel more confident. This research will lower your pressure and you can perform better.
    Feel Fresh and Relax: Always feel fresh and relax during interview. Be confident and avoid nervousness. Take proper rest before going for an interview. Do not awake in night to prepare yourself. Eat good food and do not eat too much before interview. Always try to reach the required place before time. Better to arrive at least fifteen or twenty minutes early and speak to the receptionist about your presence. Take a deep breath before enter into the room and enter with a smile on your face.
    Your Dress:
    Your dressing sense reflects your personality so that if you are going for an interview always wear formal dress. You should choose professional and comfortable dress. Make sure the clothes you wear to an interview actually fit you. Do not choose very vibrant color, Black is the best color. Never wear clothes with stains or holes. Do not wear very heavy jewelry. Always choose jewelry that will not detract from your professional appearance. Do not go in your funky hair cut for an interview, comb them properly. If you have long hair tie up properly. Always wear professional shoes instead of tennis shoes and floaters


    1. Review your resume.

    Sure, you know it by heart. But what was it that caught the eye of this recruiter or the HR pro? Specialized experience? Unique training? A steady history of career advancement? Revisit your resume from the point of view of the interviewer. It may provide insight into the company's employee needs – something that would certainly be advantageous to know going in.

    2. Get back on-line.

    The Internet served you well in the preparation of personalized cover letters targeted at the recipients' needs. Okay, visit the company web site again and start taking notes. Corporate officers, the latest press releases, the company's annual report. Gather as much information as you can on your soon-to-be-employer.

    3. Study, study, then cram.

    The more you learn about your callback company, the better you're going to feel walking in that door. Knowledge is power. Knowledge will make you more confident in your attitude and your answers. You know this stuff. You've studied it! Knowledge of company products, services, protocols and procedures shows the interviewer that you're proactive, with an eye for detail and an appreciation for the power of preparation. In other words, you'll make a positive impression.

    4. Rehearse your interview.

    How can you rehearse for something that doesn't have a script? Write one. You know the typical questions you'll be asked so write down some of your most insightful, witty thoughts regarding the state of your industry and profession. Be prepared to describe past positions, responsibilities and accomplishments. This is not a time for false modesty, so don't be afraid to highlight your professional strengths and play down your terrible typing skills. Remember: it's no brag if it's the truth. Ask your spouse, your child or a friend to play the role of interviewer so you become more comfortable speaking about yourself in front of others. Again, this is a confidence builder. The more you practice, the more confident you'll be.

    5. Develop your list of questions.

    Your interview shouldn't be seen as some type of interrogation. It's a "getting to know you" meeting, so feel free to ask questions. However, your first question shouldn't be "How much do I get paid?" or "How's the 401k plan, here?" Instead, ask questions that show you understand the job and the company's needs. Be quick to pick up on the interviewer's comments and ask relevant questions.

    Interviewer: We've had some issues with field reports coming in late recently.
    You: How are the reports transmitted?
    (Oh, you're good. Very good.)

    6. Dress for success.

    An interview is a performance with people playing different roles. Your role issuccessful job prospect. Play the part. Whether you're female or male, the conservative business suit is the recommended attire for any interview. If your business suit needs a pressing, send it to the dry cleaners. If you don't own a suit (you'd be surprised at the number of us who don't) go out and get one. It doesn't have to be an $800 designer suit, but it should be conservative black, blue or gray.

    7. Get cut or coiffed.

    You'll have 15 minutes to make a good impression. Treat yourself to a visit to the local hair stylist. You bet looks matter. They'll be plenty of time to show your talent once you land the job. For now, look like a success, feel like a success – be a success.

    8. Practice positive visualization.

    Professional athletes do it. So do actors, yoga instructors and new age thinkers who sleep under makeshift pyramids to absorb that mystical energy. It's called positive visualization – and it works. It really does. In the days leading up to the interview, picture yourself sitting opposite the head of HR. Picture yourself relaxed, comfortable, at the top of your game. Play that clip over and over in your mind until it becomes so familiar, it actually becomes a part of your self-image. It simply can't be stated too often – your confidence during an interview should be obvious and genuine.

    9. Gather your materials.

    The day before the interview, gather your materials and place them in a briefcase or attaché. Don't have one? Buy one or borrow one. It's another opportunity to project that professional image you wear so well. Bring extra copies of your resume in a manila envelop. Bring a pad and pencil to take notes. Bring a calculator (you never know). Bring your address book and copies of your business card. If you've been asked to provide additional information (school transcripts, e.g.) make sure you've got clean copies ready to hand over.

    10. Sleep tight.

    You've done it all. You've prepared yourself; you've built your confidence so you can look the interviewer straight in the eye. You are ready to rock ‘n' roll! Okay, too psyched. You'll never get to sleep. The night before the interview, go to bed early. Have some warm milk, coco or herbal tea (stay away from the 3rd scotch). Relax. Set the alarm and sleep comfortably in the knowledge that you're as prepared as you'll ever be. No, not every interview will be a success. You won't get the job every time – but don't take it personally. It's not about you; it's about the needs of the company. However, you can increase the chances of success by presenting a professional, prepared, and confident you to the interviewer. That's how you turn an interview into a job offer.
    Last edited by viki; 07-23-2010 at 12:51 AM.
    [B]The more knowledge you have, the greater will be your fear of Allah.[/B]

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  3. #3
    gud viki bhai.....

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  4. #4
    Senior Member viki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by saba View Post
    gud viki bhai.....
    welcome back
    [B]The more knowledge you have, the greater will be your fear of Allah.[/B]

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  5. #5
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    Kiya Speed hai solution post karnay ki..............

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